MTC står som bekant för MTC Procurement Research Center eller på svenska Forskningsstiftelsen MTC Marknadstekniskt Centrum. MTC:s vision är att skapa ett strategiskt upphandlingscenter för excellens som skapar nya insikter i upphandlingsområdet genom att underlätta utbyte av idéer och kunskap mellan akademiker och praktiker. Sedan april i år är SOI medlemmar i stiftelsen och anledningen har styrelsen beskrivit å här.
”Alldeles nyligen fattade också styrelsen beslut om att bli medlem i stiftelsen Marknadstekniskt Centrum, MTC. Stiftelsen är en plattform för ett nytt nationellt inköpsforskningscenter och en mötesplats för forskare och yrkesutövare inom hela inköpsområdet, inom såväl privat som offentlig sektor. Vi tror att SOI kan skapa stor nytta av ett sådant medlemskap, både för att stödja och förknippas med initiativet som sådant, men också för möjligheten till samarbete och dialog med akademien, och tillgång till konferenser, rön och artiklar.”
Här följer det två utvalda artiklarna, hämtade ur MTC´s kvartalsvisa nyhetsbrev, nr 2 2024.
Role of personal relationships
Researchers recently explored the role of personal relationships (between employees of buyers and suppliers) in the event of a serious supply chain disruption. Based on embedded case study data, interviews, and document analysis, the study found that personal relationships play a crucial role in addressing supply chain disruptions. Specifically, researchers found that positive personal relationships between employees of buyers and suppliers facilitated rapid and effective communication and information sharing, engendered trust and a collaborative spirit to find solutions to disruptions, and greater cooperation between different stakeholders.
Researchers recommend that managers train employees to invest early on in personal relationships to establish a good foundation for successful collaboration down the line. Good relationships could be fostered by frequent face-to-face meetings and team-building exercises with counterparts and general communication training for better interpersonal skills. Maintaining positive relationships and transparent communication during times of stability can enhance supply chain resilience during disruptions.
SOURCE: This article is based on a paper presented at the Ipsera conference in March 2024. Ipsera is a world-leading conference on purchasing and supply management research held annually.
Sustainability requirements in public tenders
A research study investigated the role of sustainability requirements in three road construction projects commissioned by the Dutch Department of Public Works, with a focus on environmental sustainability. Based on
data gathered from interviews with sustainability and procurement advisors, researchers found the following results:
• Sustainability and innovation can be stimulated when both are emphasised.
• When the procurer seeks innovation from the market, it is desirable to award on the basis of best value for money.
• Contractual flexibility has a positive impact on sustainability performance. Allowing flexibility in contracts can lead to better integration of business and personal relationships that are vital to contract management. Contractual flexibility is also instrumental in meeting the moving sustainability goals that evolve during project implementation. The researchers recommend opting for contracts where sustainability can be scaled up as needed.
• Contract management plays a significant role in compliance with sustainability requirements during project implementation sourcing.
SOURCE: This article is based on a paper presented at the Ipsera conference in March 2024. Ipsera is a world-leading conference on purchasing and supply management research held annually.
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